Depression and depressive symptoms in elderly low-income community in São Paulo: prevalence, associated factors and use of health services / Depressão e sintomas depressivos em idosos de baixa renda em São Paulo: prevalência, fatores associados e uso de serviços de saúde




There are few Brazilian studies that have investigated the prevalence of depression and associated risk factors in the elderly community using tools appropriate for assessing depression in this population. The impact of depression on the use of health services by the older adults is also not well known in Brazil. The objective of the study was to investigate the prevalence of depression, depressive symptoms and depressive syndromes, the associated risk factors, and the use of health services by the elderly residents in low-income communities in the City of São Paulo. This study was part of the São Paulo Aging &Health Study, a population study investigating the epidemiology of mental disorders among elderly residents in low income communities in the City of São Paulo. Two thousand twenty four elderly were evaluated for symptoms of depression using the Geriatric Mental Status and its algorithm (GMS/AGECAT) and the Neuropsychiatric Inventory. The diagnosis of depression followed the ICD-10 criteria, and depressive symptoms diagnosis was based on the GMS/AGECAT criteria. Those who received a diagnosis of depression and/or depressive symptoms were considered as having depressive syndromes. Information on risk factors and on the use of health services was collected using a standardized questionnaire developed for the study. The prevalence of depression, depressive symptoms and depressive syndromes were 4.9%, 27.1% and 28.0%, respectively. Depressive syndromes were associated with: females, higher age groups, lower socioeconomic status, greater number of physical morbidities, higher levels of functional limitation, and greater use of health services, even after adjusting for gender, age and income. The prevalence rates found in this study were, in general, higher than those found in Brazil and in international studies. However, the associated risk factors and the pattern of use of health services were in agreement with the literature. Methodological aspects of the studies of the prevalence of depression and depressive symptoms in the elderly living in the community are discussed.


depressão idoso risk factors prevalência fatores de risco depression prevalence health services serviços de saúde elderly

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