Depression symptoms and life habits in hypertensive patients / Sintomas de depressão e hábitos de vida em pacientes portadores de hipertensão arterial




Nowadays it is easy to find several discussions on chronic diseases and their relation with the emotional field, but very few studies look into the relationship between Hypertension (HT) and Depression. Objectives: determining the presence of depression symptoms in hypertensive patients; investigating the correlation between blood pressure levels and depression; associating depression symptoms with habits such as alcoholism and smoking, as well as obesity, which are regarded as risk factors for HT. Methodology: interview (with application of Beck Inventory, Fagerström’s Test and CAGE Test) with 67 patients from an outpatient clinic located at the southern region of the city of São Paulo. Results: the following percentages were obtained: 27.3% of prevalence for depressive symptoms on hypertensive patients; 11.9% of the group were smokers and 14.3% were alcohol addicts. From those patients, 24% showed some level of abnormality for BMI (body mass index). It was possible to conclude that there was no correlation between the intensity of depression symptoms and the blood pressure levels, as well as that there was no association between depression and nicotine addiction. This was also observed for the relation between depression and alcohol. As regards the BMI, however, it was possible to see an association between depression scores and obesity levels


depression obesidade obesity alcoolismo depressão hipertensão arterial hypertension alcoholism smoking tabagismo

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