Deregulation and Work in the Brazilian Commercial Aviation (1990-2002) / Desregulamentação e trabalho na aviação comercial brasilera (1990-2002)




The objective of this master dissertation is to study transformations in the Brazilian Commercial A viation during the decade of 1990, and its consequences for the labor market in the sector. The reorganization of world-wide commercial aviation begins in 1978 with the process of air transportation deregulation in the United States. This deregulation process was targeted to opening the market and stimulating competition, but had as a consequence a wave of privatizations, fusions, acquisitions and alliances among aeronautical companies that led to a great concentration in the intemational market. Within this reorganization, we emphasize the reorganization of companies services and innovations introduced in the equipment. In Brazil, the flexibilization process of the regulation starts in the beginning of 1990s. The policy of controlled competition, defined by a strong state intervention in routes and tariffs control, effective since the 1960s, is gradually abandoned. During the 90s, we may see the opening of the market and the abandonment ofthe tariff control. As a consequence we observe an intense movement of entrance and exit of aeronautical companies resulting in the concentration of the sector. In the studied period a great rise of the activities concomitant with the employment, wages and time of service reduction occurred, indicating a bigger instability in the Brazilian commercial aviation labor market. We may also observe a significant labor costs reduction made by companies


brazilian commercial aviation aeronautica comercial - brasil desregulamentação deregulation work technological innovation trabalho inovação tecnologica

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