Descrição do perfil dentário e avaliação de fatores associados a cáries, obturações e perda dentária dos policiais militares da região bragantina / Profile description and evaluation of dental factors associated with caries, fillings and tooth loss of military police in the region bragantina




Although caries and their consequences afflict approximately 90% of world population, some populations remain poorly studied. This research aimed to study these diseases in a population of military police from Região Bragantina of São Paulo - Brazil. This population was divided into two age groups: one comprising of 22 to 34 years old, and another 35 to 51 years in order to compare the two generations. The survey was conducted on the premises of the Integrated Health Service (UIS) of the 34th Military Police Battalion of the Interior (34º BPM/I), where it was collected some data sheets of odonto-legal officers of this unit serviced and who consented participate in the study. The research consisted in making an epidemiological survey of oral health of these officers through the DMF indexes and to assess some risk factors such as oral hygiene habits, educational level and consumption of cariogenic foods, which may be linked to these diseases. The study population had a degree of DMFT smaller than the current Brazilian context. The average number of missing teeth in this population is about five times lower than that seen in the last epidemiological survey (SB Brazil - 2003) and the mean sound teeth appears slightly larger compared to the age of 35 to 44 years in the rest of the country.


dmfs dmft cpos cpod dental caries fatores de risco risk factors cárie dental

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