Descritores em ciências da saúde na área específica da fonoaudiologia brasileira / Health sciences descriptors in the Brazilian speech-language and hearing science




BACKGROUND: the complex issue related to terminology of a field of knowledge; in the present work the Speech-Language and Hearing Science, an area in development. AIM: to propose a specific thesaurus about the Speech-Language and Hearing Science, for the English, Portuguese and Spanish languages, based on the existing keywords available on the Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS). METHOD: methodology was based on the pilot study developed by Campanatti-Ostiz and Andrade (2008) that had as a purpose to verify the methodological viability for the creation of a Speech-Language and Hearing Science category in the DeCS. The selected data base that gave access to titles, abstracts and keywords of the analyzed scientific articles were the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and the Scientific Eletronic Library On Line (SciELO). The scientific journals selected for analyses were those in the field of the Speech-Language and Hearing Science, indexed on the SciELO and published in the last 24 months: Pró-Fono Revista de Atualização Científica, Revista Cefac Atualização Científica em Fonoaudiologia and Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia. The titles, abstracts and keywords of all scientific articles were selected for terminology analyses. First of all, the recovery of the Descriptors in the English language was done (Medical Subject Headings - MeSH). After that, the recovery and hierarchic organization of the descriptors in the Portuguese language was done (DeCS). The obtained data was analyzed as follows: descriptive analyses and relative relevance analyses of the DeCS areas. Based on the descriptive data analyses, we decided to select all 761 descriptors, with all the hierarchic XVI numbers, independently of their occurrence (occurrence number - ON). After the relative relevance analyses of the DeCS areas, we decided to propose the thesaurus for the Speech-Language and Hearing Science, excluding the less relevant areas and the exclusive DeCS areas (with no equivalence to the MeSH areas). RESULTS: out of the 311 analyzed articles, 3511 MeSH descriptor occurrences (mean of 11.29 MeSH descriptors per article) and 3492 equivalent DeCS descriptor occurrences (761 different DeCS descriptors) were found. For the arrangement of the DeCS descriptors found in the subareas of the Speech-Language and Hearing Sciences, we decided to use the hierarchic areas proposed by the DeCS. After the exclusion of the nonrelevant and exclusive DeCS areas, and the insertion of the lacking descriptors so that all hierachic levels were contemplated specific and broad the proposal was finished with a total of 1676 occurrences of DeCS descriptors, being 1189 occurrences (71%) of descriptors found during the research and 487 occurrences (29%) of descriptors that were added in order to complement all levels. CONCLUSION: the presented proposal of a thesaurus contains the specific terminology of the Brazilian Speech-Language and Hearing Sciences and reflects the descriptors of the published scientific production. Being the DeCS a trilingual vocabulary (Portuguese, English and Spanish), the present descriptors organization proposition can be used in these three languages, allowing greater cultural interchange between different nations


publicações periódicas terminologia como assunto speech language and hearing sciences vocabulário controlado periodicals speech-language pathology fonoaudiologia descritores terminology as topic subject headings vocabulary controlled

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