Desemprego nos anos 90 : aspectos conceituais e trajetorias dos trabalhadores da industria textil de Americana




This dissertation discusses the influences of the contemporary unemployment phenomenon on workers. I use the textile industry of Americana, São Paulo, Brazil, as a study case. The dissertation examines the main transformation on the labor market during the past decades and, most specifically, how the labor market reacted to these changes in the specific case of Americana. I investigate the tracks of workers who were laid off between 1989 and 1993. My studies analyze their whereabouts until 1995. I use information from a data bank available at RAIS (Annual Relation of Social Information), Federal Labor Department. One of my conclusions is that a progressive closing of formal working positions took place and an informal market boom existed. This evolution observed in Americana (irreversible, as everything indicates) caused many disadvantages to employees. In the black market they could not refer to the rights guaranteed by the formal link


desemprego setor informal (economia) mercado de trabalho industria textil - americana (sp) mobilidade de mão-de-obra

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