Desenvolvimento de estratégias analíticas usando espectrometria de absorção atômica para avaliar a composição de copos de liga peltre e lixiviação de cádmio, chumbo e antimônio


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




In this work it was developed different analytical methods using atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). Firstly, it was developed a method for the sequential determination of antimony and lead, in pewter sample, using high resolution continuum source flame AAS. The results showed that samples contain lead. This affirmation goes against manufacturer which says their products are lead free. After, it was developed a method via graphite furnace AAS, to evaluate cadmium and lead leaching from pewter cups to 3% acetic acid, sugar cane spirit, beer, red wine, white wine and vinegar. It was possible to employ the same heating program and chemical modifier for the direct determination of cadmium and lead in the different liquids and, aqueous standards for calibration. It was, also, developed an analytical method, using hydride generation AAS, to evaluate antimony leaching from pewter cups to a 3% acetic acid solution. The developed method was efficient for antimony determination in samples containing high tin concentrations, also hydride forming element. The analytical methods proposed in this work can be used as a tool to a more detailed investigation regarding antimony, cadmium and lead leaching from pewter utensils.


espectrometria de absorção atômica espectrometria de absorcao atomica em forno de grafite lixiviação elementos-traço

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