Desenvolvimento de ferramentas de identificação parametrica de sistemas mecanicos no dominio do tempo




The Work presents a collection of parametric and non parametric time domain identification techniques, employed in the modal analysis of a mechanical system. The dynamical behaviour of the system is studied from a linear model of the same, built from discrete parameters. The main characteristic of the work is the employment of computational techniques of linear algebra as well as certain theorectical results and procedures from the matematical field of inverse problems. The SVD theorem is, in this aspect, extensively used to explain much of the theory anel practice of the techniques developed. The metodology followed starts with the presentation of SISO techniques, wich are naturally extended at a second stage to MIMO procedures. The most import problems assessed by the work are that of a) determining of the of impulse response functions without recurring to the frequency domain (use of MIMO deconvolution), and b) the determination of the systems order and modal parameters through the use of linear prediction techniques in the inverse direction (SBM, ERABACK and PSINBACK). Numerical simulations are presented with the use of typically high level of noise present in the dynamical signals to be analysed


analise modal dinamica estrutural

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