Desenvolvimento de modelo experimental para estudo do processo de cicatrização por segunda intenção de feridas cutâneas em coelhos, utilizando extratos da própolis verde de Minas Gerais-Brasil / Development of experimental model for study of the cicatrization process for second intention of cutaneous wounds in rabbits, using extracts of the green propolis from Minas Gerais-Brazil




The effect of different propolis extracts (aqueous - PA and ethanolic - PE) at the concentration of 5% was investigated in the treatment of wounds using vaseline as lanoline vehicle. The wounds were experimentally produced in 20 rabbits divided in four groups according to treatment (aqueous propolis 5%, alcoholic propolis 5%, vaseline and no treatment). For that, the evolution of the diameter of wounds was followed up during the process of healing by second intention through the application of an index, ICRF (Clinical Index of Recovery of Wounds). The presence and intensity of edema, exudate and scab were also analised through the application of scores varying from zero to three. Histological examinations were also carried out. The ICRF index revealed the formation of a very dense and dried scab, strongly adhered to the wound, which hindered the healing process in the untreated group ( control ) when pulled out. These results are in agreement with the histopatological examination. This impossibilitated the accurate mensuration of the wound in this group, which did not occurr for the others. The histological analyses did not identify any interference of the tested substances on the healing process, demonstrating an uniform evolution in all the phases of healing for all the groups. The results obtained demonstrated that the methodology is well suited for application in future studies of observation of the evolution of the wound healing by second intention.


rabbits coelho wounds injuries clinica veterinaria ferimentos lesões

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