Desenvolvimento de mudas de cafeeiro produzidas em tubetes, sob malhas termo-refletoras e malha negra. / Development of coffee seedlings produced in plastic tubes, under termo-reflective and black screens.




This experiment evaluated, in greenhouse conditions, the development of coffee seedlings produced in plastic tubes, under the effect of screens used for shading. The treatments were black screen 50%, known commercially as "sombrite" or as "black screen", considered standard for the development of these seedlings, and thermo-reflective screens with four different percentages of attenuation of the solar radiation, being meshes 40%, 50%, 60%, and 70%. The adopted experimental delineation was randomized blocks with 5 treatments and 4 replicates, making up 20 parcels. The parcels were represented by 20 benches; each one with superior closing system with one type of screen, and also side closing system, attenuating the side solar radiation. Each parcel was composed by 175 seedlings, from which 161 were used as a border, and 14 used for the evaluations. The irrigation, daily carried out, was implemented with the use of a semi-automated motorized bar that dislocated longitudinally along the greenhouse in both directions. The desired water amount was set in accordance to the bar displacement speed that was established by means of a frequency inverter, responsible for this control. To monitor the microclimate, one psicrometer was installed inside each parcel and, from time to time, global solar radiation, photosynthetically active radiation, and net radiation (SR) measures were taken, establishing, this way, relations of global transmissivity (TRG) and photosynthetically active transmissivity (TRFA). The physiological variables used to evaluate the development of the seedlings were leaf area, seedlings height, and stalk diameter. Analyses on the dry matter of aerial part and root system and total dry matter were carried out at the end of the experiment. The evaluation of the psicrometers data showed that the temperature of air gently varied in the parcels, as well as the air relative humidity. Relating to TRG and to TRFA, it was verified that screens with less attenuation of the solar radiation presented higher transmissivity in general, as expected. For the variable net radiation, the presence of environment interference made most data impracticable, verifying a partial trend of higher SR in the screens 40% and 50%. The evaluation of the physiological variables showed that the leaf area did not present significant difference among the treatments. Yet, it was verified that, for seedlings height and stalk diameter, the seedlings produced under thermo-reflective screens 40% and 50% were superior to those produced under black screen 50% and thermo-reflective screen 60% and 70%. It was also verified that, for the evaluations of dry matter, the seedlings produced under thermo-reflective screens 40% and 50%, and black screen 50% comparatively accumulated more dry matter than those produced under thermo-reflective screens 60% and 70%. Thus, under the conditions where the experiment was carried out, it can be concluded that the thermo-reflective screens 40% and 50% and black screen 50% presented better results than the thermo-reflective screens 60% and 70%.


seedling irrigation café irrigação substrate substrato coffeee mudas

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