Desenvolvimento de tecnicas quimiometricas de compressão de dados e deredução de ruido instrumental aplicadas a oleo diesel e madeira de eucalipto usando espectroscopia NIR / Development of chemometric technics for data compression and reduction of diesel oil and eucalypus wood employing NIR spectroscopy




This work describes two techniques for spectral variable and sample selection based on the Successive Projections Algorithm (SPA), aiming the construction of multivariate regression models. Also, the wavelet transform was employed to solve problems related to noise reduction associated with spectroscopic data in the near infrared spectral region (NIR), and employed in the construction of multivariate calibration models based in Linear Multiple Regression (LMR) to estimate the quality parameters of diesel fuel and eucalyptus wood. The NIR transmission spectra for diesel samples and the reflectance spectra obtained for wood samples were acquired by using a NIR-Bomen equipment with AsGaIn detector. For application in diesel, the following spectral regions have been investigated: 850 - 1100 nm, 1100 - 1570 nm and 1570 - 2500 nm. For wood samples the spectral region employed was from 1100 - 2500 nm. The results obtained by using the variable selection techniques and LMR demonstrate their simplicity when compared with its counterpart Partial Least Square (PLS) which employs full spectral region and latent variables, being, therefore, more difficult to be interpreted. The use of wavelet filtering also demonstrates its efficiency both for multivariate calibration and NIR spectral data filtering. In most of the cases approached in this work, and inconsequence for the chemometric techniques employed, improvements in the error (RMSEP) associated with the quality parameters as well a decrease in the analysis time were the main achievements of this work


espectroscopia nir eucalyptus wood compressão de dados madeira de eucalipto instrumental noise ruido instrumental data compression nir spectroscopy

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