Desenvolvimento de um modelo de capacitação do ERP por meio de programação matematica : uma aplicação na industria de autopeças / The development of a capacity model for ERP through mathematical programming: application to an auto parts industry




This work presents a scheduling problem case study of a in an auto parts industry. It proposes the integration of a capacity module to an ERP off the shelf. The objective of this integration is to improve the MRP module of the ERP in such way that it recognizes capacity limits of critical resources. Critical resources at shop fioor are modeled as a network fiow problem with additional constraints. A procedure to transform the problem into a simple network is also suggested. The heuristics used in the shop fioor are considered and added to the mode!. The main contribution of this method is the temporal view of the scheduling problem which allows overcoming overloaded situations. This method allows also the analysis of several scenarios. The results presented in this study were obtained using real data


scheduling (management) linear programming heuristica controle de produção planejamento da produção agenda de execução (administração) programação linear teoria dos grafos otimização matematica production control production planning mathematical optimization heuristic graph theory

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