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Desenvolvimento do processo de purificação por fusão zonal horizontal para metais de baixo ponto de fusão e sua aplicação ao estanho

A summary was made of the subject of eletronic grade materials, including purification techniques, applications in the electronic industry and economic/strategic aspects of production. A mathematical description of zone melting was developed from basic solidification principles and included a description of the effects of operational parameters such as zone length, boundary layer thickness and interface advance rate. The operational characteristics of the apparatus constructed are described. This includes the horizontal zone melting furnace, vacuum heating furnace, and control system. The control device was especially constructed and its performance was compared with other systems available in Brazil. A control circuit was designed and constructed which eliminated variations in zone length during movement. A survey was made of the analysis methods available in Brazil and their characteristics examined. A study was made of the removel of impurities from tin by vacuum heating. The analytical methods employed were spark emission spectroscopy, resistance ratio (P4,2K / P300K) measurements and microhardness examinations. Experiments were carried out of purification by zone melting, using the tin purified by vacuum heating as a starting material. The impurities profiles were examined by the techniques cited above and microstructural examinations. Finally some possible lines of future research are suggested as a resuIt of this study including projects in the areas of single crystal growth and purification applied to other metals