Desenvolvimento e estudo de materiais termoluminescentes baseados em óxido de alumínio para aplicação em dosimetria / Development and study of thermoluminescent materials based on aluminum oxide for dosimetry application


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The aluminum oxide was one of the former compounds investigated with a view to detecting and measuring radiation by means of the thermoluminescence (TL). Commonly referred to as \"alumina\", aluminum oxide has interesting features for the development of materials for dosimetry. Its effective atomic number has an intermediate value between the bone and soft tissue of the body. It can be transformed into TL material by the insertion of chemical elements in its crystal structure. In addition to the TL, the alumina can provide optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) which can also be used to determine the radiation dose. In this study, two methods were investigated in order to insert metal ions in alumina. The first method was based on the adsorption capacity of alumina and the second named coprecipitation method was based on the simultaneous formation of insoluble compounds. The samples obtained by adsorption of Cu2+ and Mn2+ ions did not show satisfactory results. However, the aluminum oxide impurified with Tm3+ by coprecipitation showed TL and OSL signals. It was also found that the commercially available electrofused alumina is a material that exhibits TL and OSL. This material that contains various metal ions in its structure was made into pellets by sintering with glass. The TL response curves as a function of temperature and the TL and OSL responses as a function of the dose were determined. The obtained results indicate that further studies of the developed pellets can improve the characteristics in order to be applied in dosimetry.


aluminum oxide dosimetric materials luminescência opticamente estimulada (osl) materiais dosimétricos optically stimulated luminescence (osl) óxido de alumínio termoluminescência (tl) thermoluminescence (tl)

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