Desenvolvimento e padronização de modelo experimental com coração isolado de suinos utilizando circulação parabiotica




The experimental models development allow to study di:fferent drogs or elucidation of different pbenomena observed in the clinical practice. The isolated hearts model has been being the base for myocardium phenomena investigation .The blood perfused hearts has advantages on the crystalloid perfused isolated hearts .The cross circulation utilization (parabiotic) between an support anima1and the isolated heart ftom second anim was describe at the beginning of this century. However, more recently this model has been used and little description 3OOutyour prepare and variables of the model are found in the literature. Objective: Describe and to standardize experimental model with parabiotic circulation of iso1atedheart in swines. Methodology: We use swines to develop isolated blood perfused heart modeL The isolated heart is perfused with arterial blood ftom second anima1as support. The isolated heart was submitted regional ischaemia for 30 minutes, followed by global ischaemia for 90 minutes and reperfusion plus 90 minutes. In the isolated heart were going defined useful parameters for measurement of the ventricuJar performance with di:fferent measured índices directly or indirectly ftom mtraventricular pressure . Results: The submitted isolated hearts to regional and global ischaemia presented worsening in the measured parameters majorlty. The less discriminative parameters went to dP/dT máx normalized by the developedpressureanddP/dTminnormalizedbythe developedpressure. Elastance was the most sensible parameter during reperfusion period, demonstrating ventricular function loss much precociously in reperfusion. Conclusions: The model it demonstrated stable, reproducible and allows severa! variables study in the isolated heart. The developed preparation allows study of ischaemia and reperfusion phenomena, the most different drugs, surgical interventions, etc. It introduces advantages on the classical models which use crystal1oidsolutions how perfusate, because the parabiotic circulation utilization places the isolated heart very elose to which is submitted to cardiac surgery with extracorporeal circulation


isquemia cardiologia

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