Detecção de Papilomavírus Humano (HPV) em Adultos Jovens com idades entre 18 a 25 anos do Município de Leopoldo de Bulhões-GO


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Genital infection by human papillomavirus (HPV) is considered the sexually transmitted disease most prevalent among the population. The man has represented an important role as virus reservoir and transmitter. Most HPV-infected men are asymptomatic. The HPV infection prevalence in young males is poorly understood and few studies are available. This study aim was to evaluate the HPV prevalence in a group of young adults, ages 18 and 25, male, living in the City of Leopoldo de Bulhões-GO. For viral genome detection, was used the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique with primers PGMY09/11 Line Blot. Descriptive statistics and their frequencies was performed for the variables related to socio-demographic and behavioral features in the group of asymptomatic men for HPV infection. To investigate the possible associations between related factors and the infection, univariate analysis was performed by chi-square test with Yates correction. The study involved a population of 57 asymptomatic men aged between 18 and 25 years old living in the city of Leopoldo de Bulhões-GO, selected at the Jose Francisco Vargas Health Center. Among the study group behavioral characteristics, 43.9% of subjects were single and 56.1% were married. The individuals age who initiated sexual activity was approximately 15 years old. All subjects were informed about the study and signed a free and clear consent form. The HPV infection prevalence in the study group was 31.6%. HPV infection was significantly associated with marital status and partners number, in other words, infection was more prevalent among unmarried individuals (56%) who did not have a steady partner (57.1%). As for condom use and early sexual activity, HPV infection was not significantly associated. Our results demonstrate that a man behavioral factor represents a significant risk for HPV infection association


hpv homens jovens detecção molecular pcr genetica hpv young men molecular detection pcr

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