Determinação das flutuações na vazão de retorno provocadas pelo movimento de heave em unidades flutuantes de perfuração




Early detection of fluid influx from the formation, generally known as a "kick", is a major concern for the safety of the crew and rig equipament, and for the well itself. Many kicks have been detected at its very beginning by the delta flow parameter, which is simply the return mud flow rate minus the circulating rate. Accurate flow measurements in this case are of great importance for the kick detection systems. Floating rig heaving causes large instantaneous variation in flow-out. Various methods have been investigated as an attempt to overcome this problem. A new approach is presented in order to obtain a better delta flow measurement, by means of records of pumping, returning rates and heaving as well, monitored on a drill ship. A comprehensive study of the state of art is presented and suggestions for future research is furnished


engenharia de petroleo - metodos de simulação poços de petroleo - perfuração plataformas de perfuração reologia poços de petroleo - fluidos de perfuração controle automatico medidores de fluxo

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