Determinação de carbono organico dissolvido em amostras naturais atraves de analise por injeção em fluxo




The aim of this project was the development and the optimisation of acontinuous flow, low cost method to determine the concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in aqueous samples. When compared to results obtained using the Shimadzu TOC 5000 as reference method, the recovery of DOC using the FIA method developed was 88%, whereas for DIC this value was 104% (n=34).The method explores the use of on-line digestion using UV and persulphate. The ?C??O IND. 2? produced is then measured after membrane difIusion by conductimetry. The equipment is able to process 14 samples/h in the determination of DTC and 25 samples/h when determining inorganic carbono. Compared to the vast majority of last generation HTCO (high temperature catalytic oxidation) commercially available equipments, the cost of this "home made" apparatus is 8 times lower (around US $ 4,000.00), showing an operational cost in the range ofUS $ 7.00 per 1,000 samples analysed


poluentes organicos aquaticos saneamento analise por injeção de fluxo

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