Determinação do coeficiente de difusão de massa efetivo para o sistema capim-limão+CO2




The exttaction with liquid carbon dioxide has become an atttactive process for the exttaction of essential oils, mainly due to the specific characteristics of the fluids near the critical region, that is high mass ttansfer rates higher at moderate temperature. In this work the effective mass-diffusion coefficient was determined for a system lemongrass (Cimbopogon citratusSttaupf)/ carbon dioxide. Measurements were accomplished in a supercritical exttaction unit which al1ow the setting of a bed formed by solid particles (mesh -24/+48). The bed apparent density was kept constant, the compacted solid was tteated as an homogeneous solid. The effective mass-diffusion coefficient was determined for the 180 bar isobaric for temperatures of 15, 20, 25, 30 e 35°C. The mean amount of mass ttansferred by diffusion as function of time was adjusted to the the steady state fluid phase mass balance equation. Two models found in the literature were tested: i) semiinfinite solid (Fo <0.05) and ü) fmite-solid (Fo>0.05), both for constant effective mass-diffusion coefficient. The best result was obtained with the semi-infinite solid model. Values of the effective mass-diffusion coefficient ranged from 1.83 to 2.46.1O-9m2/ s. It was observed that effective mass-diffusion coefficient changed with temperature, higher values were obtained at 15°C. The determination of exttact composition was done by gas chromatography using flame ionization detector (GC-FID) and the identification of the substances by gas chromatographcoupled to a mass specttometer (GC-MS). Thirteen compounds were identified which constitute 95% of total, major ones were: cittal (neral + geranial), geraniol, undecanone, linalool, butylacetate, 2-thridecanone


massa - transferencia cromatografia de gas essencias e oleos essenciais extração com fluido supercritico

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