Determinação do sexo atraves da area formada pelo triangulo da face superior




Sex determination through the area formed by the upper facial triangle The identification is distinguished by a identity comprovation act, that qualifies something or someone in the middle of others on the same kind, individualizing it. However, this process is becoming more and more complex the smallest is the data numbers about the examined material. The purpose of the following work was verifying the possiblity of identifying the gender, through five cranial measures: Distance between the right and left frontomalar suture, distance between the anterior nasal spine and nasion, distance between the anterior nasal spine and left frontomalar, distance between anterior nasal spine and right frontomalar suture and the area formed by the cranial points: right and left frontomalar suture, and anterior nasal spine. Among 168 skulls we have studied, 72 belong to the female gender, and 96 belong to male gender, and they are all over 20 years old. The measures were obtained by a digital pachymeter Mitutoyo, among the references previously standardize. The information were submited to statistics analisys to verify the sexual dimorphism. The results showed that the variables: area formed by the right and left frontomalar suture points, and anterior nasal spine and the distance biorbita were significative, and provided the elaboration of a mathematic formula to fínd out the gender, with sureness of 75%


craniometria cranio

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