Determinação experimental do fluxo térmico em um corpo rombudo em regime hipersônico com adição de energia à montante / Experimental heat flux to a blunt body in hypersonic flow with upstream laser energy deposition




Due to the high heat transfer rates which takes place in hypersonic flight and the consequent necessity of prohibitively massive thermal protection equipment, new methods of flow control are required to enable flight in such regimes. Here arises the Direct Energy Air Spike concept, where electromagnetic energy (laser/microwaves) is focalized upstream of the model causing the breakdown of the air and the generation of a laser supported detonation wave, which diverts the incoming stream parabolically to the rim of the vehicle. In this work, the heat transfer rates to the surface of a blunt body, downstream the laser induced shock wave, were measured and compared with the results without this concept. These measurements were conducted with the use of fast response surface junction thermocouples and piezoelectric pressure transducers installed on the surface of the model in the 0.3m T2 Hypersonic Shock Tunnel of thevInstituto de Estudos Avançados, which simulates the required hypersonic flight regimes. The laser energy was supplied by a CO2 Transversely Excited Atmospheric Pressure Laser.


transferência de calor hipersônico termopares de junção de superfície surface junction thermocouples flow control combustÃo deposição de laser pulsado controle de escoamento combustion hypersonic flow escoamento hipersônico pulsed laser hypersonic heat transfer

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