Determinantes climaticos do processo de desenvolvimento floral e seu efeito sobre as caracteristicas tecnologicas da cana de açucar (Saccharum SPP)




The effects of environmental conditions on the process of initiation and development of sugarcane flowering strutures, and the influence of reproductive growth on cane maturation and pithness, were studied under field conditions in Piracicaba, São Paulo, during the years of 1984 and 1985, and in Campinas, São Paulo, in 1986, utilizing varieties IAC 52-150 and SP 70-1143. To follow inflorescence formation, ten stalks of each variety were collected weekly, during the month of February till July. Technological analyses and evaluation of pithness, were carried out, at 15 day intervals, from May to August, in different portions of stalks, divided into the basal, lower middle, upper middle, and apical regions. The results indicated that 1984 the conditions were unfavourable for reproductive growth, due to high temperatures and solar radiation and insufficient rainfall prevailing during induction period, which caused inhibition of panicle formation in approximately 50% of examined plants. On other hand, temperatures below 18° C, that occurred in 1985,did not affect flower initiation, for more than 85% of plants flowered in both varieties. It is conceivable that high atmosphere humidity during flowering minimized the effect of low temperatures and favoured panicle growth. During 1986, occurrence of temperatures above 30°C and abundant rainfall promoted flower initiation. ... Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertations


climatologia agricola cana-de-açucar

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