Development and application of a performance measurement tool in capital goods companies / Desenvolvimento e aplicação de uma ferramenta informatizada de medição de desempenho




The importance of a well-developed performance measurement system (PMS) for the success of a company is a subject which is widely studied and discussed either in the academic and business enviroments. However, many companies still do not have a performance measurement system able to bring them competitive advantage, because they are all too often ad-hoc solutions not concerned about the strategy. Hence, this work is yet another attempt to bring theory closer to practice inside the companies in the regard of business performance measurement. This researchs objective is to develop an information system for performance measurement and present a method for its deployment. In order to define the characteristics of both the method and the information system, a literature review and a case study in a company which had a formal PMS were done. The method was then applied to two companies from Sertãozinho aiming to identify their strategic objectives and performance indicators, which resulted in a first version of their formal PMS. A pilot deployment of the software was made in one of these companies to verify how it would work in practice. After these studies, it was possible to conclude that the method and the information system were useful for deploying and keeping track of performance indicators in the researched companies. However, some dificulties were found during the deployment, such as the lack of time available for performance management and the resistance of some employees to the use of the software.


performance measurement systems balanced scorecard sistemas de apoio à decisão balanced scorecard decision support systems sistemas de medição de desempenho

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