Development of ammonia-water absorption refrigeration systems simulator and its application in a project of a system moved by exhaust gases of diesel engine / Aperfeiçoamento de um simulador de sistemas de refrigeração de absorção agua-amonia e sua aplicação para projeto de um sistema movido a gas de escape de motor diesel




This work shows the development of an ammonia-water absorption refrigeration system pre-existing simulation program, which uses diesel engine exhaust gases from a diesel-generator group as energy source. The project was implemented in four stages. An initial design of its components involved solely thermodynamic relations, and was based on the arbitration of temperature differences in the different heat exchangers and some environmental and operational conditions, such as cooling water inlet temperature in condensers and absorber and refrigeration capacity. The size of each refrigeration system equipment was obtained in terms of parameters such as overall heat transfer coefficients multiplied by the areas of each component or the effectiveness multiplied by the hourly minimum thermal capacity. In the second stage, the detailed construction of each component of the system was made with the aim of reaching as close to the original design parameters. The heat transfer equations for each system component, the heat transfer coefficient calculation, and the relevant pressure drops related to the calculation of required electric power were introduced. After the initial configuration had been defined of a specific absorption refrigeration system, an additional adjustment took place, aiming at the maximization of the thermal power of the evaporator and the minimization of the total electric power required by the system. This fine tunning was carried out by varying the construction parameters (length, diameter and number of tubes) of each heat exchanger. The length, number and diameter of the tubes were then set according to the results obtained in this part of the project. After settling the system configuration, the production capacity of ice bars of the proposed absorption refrigeration system was estimated according to the demand for electricity along the day for the northern Amazon region. In the fourth stage of the project, the absorber has been studied in separate, as a standalone module. The proposed absorption refrigeration system in this work, which uses the exhaust gases from a diesel engine of a small diesel-generator group, showed to have a production capacity of ice, measured in bars of 10 kg, equals to 372 bars a day (3720 kg), working all day, or 150 bars a day (1500 kg), if considering only the period of 8 working hours (business hours, from 8 am to 6 pm)


refrigeration ammonia-water cogeneration absorção amonia liquida refrigeração energia eletrica e calor - cogeração absorption

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