Developmental Regulation of Lectin and Alliinase Synthesis in Garlic Bulbs and Leaves.


Using a combination of northern blot analysis and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, a detailed study was made of the temporal and spatial regulation of garlic (Allium sativum L.) lectins and alliinase throughout the life cycle of the plant. The two bulb-specific lectins (ASAI and ASAII), which are the most predominant bulb proteins, accumulate exclusively in the developing garlic cloves and progressively disappear when the old clove is consumed by the plant. On the basis of these observations, ASAI and ASAII can be regarded as typical vegetative storage proteins. The leaf-specific lectin (ASAL), on the contrary, is specifically synthesized in young leaves and remains present until withering. Because ASAL is only a minor protein, it probably fulfills a specific function in the plant. Unlike the lectins, alliinase is present in large quantities in bulbs as well as in leaves. Moreover, intact alliinase mRNAs are present in both tissues as long as they contain living cells. The latter observation is in good agreement with the possible involvement of alliinase in the plant's defense against pathogens and/or predators.

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