Diagnosis of herpes simplex virus infection in a clinical setting by a direct antigen detection enzyme immunoassay kit.


A commercial 4-h direct herpes simplex virus (HSV) antigen detection enzyme immunoassay (EIA) kit (Du Pont Herpchek) was evaluated by using 273 clinical specimens obtained in a hospital-based infectious disease practice. The EIA was compared with a standard culture method in which WI38 cells were inoculated within 20 min of sample collection. Cultures were observed for 2 weeks, and positive findings were confirmed by fluorescein-labeled monoclonal antibody (FA) staining. The values for the overall HSV detection rate were 40.7% by the standard culture method and 41.4% by EIA. In eight cases, the EIA was positive, while the culture method was negative; however, clinical data and confirmatory blocking EIA suggested that a true HSV infection was present. For six FA-confirmed, culture-positive samples, the direct EIA was negative; however, an EIA performed on the supernatants of these cultures was positive, suggesting that the failure of the EIA to detect these samples was not due to lack of strain specificity of the test. After confirmatory tests of standard culture and EIA discrepant results, the overall sensitivity of the test was 95.0% (113 of 119) and the specificity was 100% (154 of 154).

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