Diferenças cognitivas entre usuários de ciberespaço




This work aimed at studying the cognitive differences between cyberspace users, according to their typology and immersion levels. Differences were systematized and situated on a process which begins with perception and renews on generation of new synapses, according to Interationist and Neo- Darwinist theories which had Lev Vigotski and Gerald Edelman as precursors. Vigotski s interactionism and Eldeman s Neural Selection Groups (NSG) are presented in this work as logical paths to explain the environmental and culture influence, in this case the cyberspace, on human cognition. Twenty individuals between with ages between 15 and 17 years and which had on any certain level, experiences with the cyberspace. This scientific research used interviews, questionnaires and a set of computerized cognitive evaluation christened Cogstate. Regarding the type, users were identified as players and navigators. As for the levels, users were classified as occasional, excessive, extreme. Last, based on this classification, tests comparative tests were carried out between occasional and excessive users. It has been demonstrated that users classified as excessive are faster, pay more attention, are more synchronized and, due to their fastness and anticipation are more impatiens and, therefore, prone to commit mistakes


cyberspace users outros usuários de ciberespaço usuarios da internet cognicao ciberespaco cognition

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