Diferenças e similaridades no complexo citricola paulista : suco concentrado, pasteurizado natural e laranja de mesa




The competitiveness of São Paulo citrus ,complex in the international market is well known among private, governmental and academic sectors. Orange crop development in Brazil occurred mainly due to the Frozen Concentrated Orange Juice (SLCC) in São Paulo State, which is responsable for 80% of the citrus production. The economical importance of the citrus crop has overcome what is called "citrus industry". The "in natura" production is not only relevant at the present, but has also great potencial yet to be developed. Although several studies had been carried out on this subject, most of then, focus on the so called "citrus complex", alan lysing the SLCC industry, what constitutes an important commodity in which Brazil is an international leader. There is a lack of information an further analysis on the so called "in natura" citrus.The main goal of this study is to interpretate the São Paulo citrus complex identifying the main factors that historically contributed to its confiration and dynamics. Moreover, it specifically studies the segment of "in natura" citrus. Primary and secondary data were used for these analysis. The first were gathered though open interviews with the agents involved. The later were obtained from several institution, e.g. FIBGE, IEA, F AO/ONU, ABECITRUS, SECEX, FUNDECITRUS, CEAGESP and USDA. It was noticed that, despite of the citrus sector being formed by four different segments (natural juice, pasteurized juice, oranges and SLCC), the approach given to the subject always privileged the last segment mentioned. Therefore it is necessary to create adequate condition for specific analysis, in order to provide more dynamics to all segments


agroindustria frutas citricas laranja

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