Diferencial de rendimentos na ocupação não registrada de Salvador.




This essay analyzes the differentials of earnings of non-registered workers in the labor force, using data from the city of Salvador. Some statistical comparisons between registered and non-registered workers were made trying to distinguish personal from occupational attributes, in order to show a general overview of these two groups of workers. Moreover, a comparison of earnings was made in order to characterize these two segments of workers. It was used the Heckman?s procedure to correct the sample selectivity bias and the decomposition of Oaxaca to separate the productive and not productive components of the differential of earnings. With these procedures it was possible to arrive the interesting results. For instance, one evidenced that the women are seriously affected by the discrimination in the work market, given their earnings are much lower than the ones gained by man. The black workers are also affected by the discrimination, but in a lesser intensity.


occupation, differentials of earnings, discrimination, selectivity bias diferenciais de rendimento viés de seletividade. discriminação economia ocupação

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