Dimensão Psicossocial: percepções dos médicos de uma instituição escola de Salvador.




The diverse conceptions of health and disease are involved in dualisms as of the Body X Mind and of the Person X Society. However, the health and the disease integrate body, mind, emotion, spirit and relations exciting an integral or biopsychosocial boarding, in this case with sugestions of Jungs Theory in subjects holistic conception. The psychosocial dimension involves psychological, partner-affective and partner-economic questions, beyond the cultural questions and spirituals. This dimension must be assimilated in the medical attendance that aims at this biopsychosocial boarding, stimulating the participation of the subject in one practical of shelter, where the listening, the dialogue and the narrative of the experience and meanings are strengthened, involving the family and the community, appearing in a favorable context of the dialogical educative action. The Programa Saúde da Família- PSF (Family Health Program) is placed in the proposal of reorientation of the assistance model that it appears in the principle of the integrality, where stimulates it integral or biopsychosocial attention, beyond the incentive of preventive aspects allies to the curative to give interdisciplinary assistance and intersecting. The present study has as objective the understanding of the perception of 10 medical teachers of an institution-school in the molds of the PSF about the psychosocial dimension. It has propor analyze its interviews in the speech in the hypothesis that it doesnt have a sistematization and integration of concepts of that is this dimension neither criation of an clear and concise script in order occur bether orientation to the pupils in the psychosocial inquiry who had included in anamnese of local attendance. It has propor observe the handbooks filled for the pupils too. The importance of the location of the history of the disease in the history of life of the patient, contextualizing its complaint and considering its point of view on the illness in question blunts in this biopsychosocial boarding, which needs an improvement in the current relation doctor-patient, in order to be able to criate bether conditions for realize this psychosocial inquiry. The importance of a bether medical formation for estimulate this biopsychosocial integration in the attendance, systematization of the psychosocial dimension with inclusion of this dimension in anamnese in assimilated way of this consultation appears too. Finally the greater offers of psychological care and presence of psychologists in the system of reference for conduct even would estimulate the interdisciplinary work inside of the PSF, making indispensable complement in this biopsychosocial boarding consultation.


saude coletiva medical education abordagem biopsicossocial educação médica dimensão psicossocial biopsychosocial boarding family health program programa saúde da família psychosocial dimension

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