Dimensionamento, construção e testes de magnetos supercondutores




The increasing use of superconducting magnets in several sectors such as medicine, transport, energy, or extraction and even nuclear fusion, demonstrates the importance of this technology for present and future applications. The initial chapters summarize the state of the art of superconducting wires manufacturing processes, their mechanical properties and basic characteristics. They present as well the techniques currently employed for production of this material in Brazil. The techniques for electric and mechanical design adopt the most advanced criteria for the manufacture of superconducting magnets in the range of 7 _ lOT for NbTi and 12 _ 14T for Nb3Sn. In these topics are also displayed detailed calculations of mechanical tensions due to winding, cooling and energizing. Two NbTi superconducting magnets for 6,5T and 7T were designed and constructed, being emphasized in the latter the calculation of high mechanical efforts owving to its way of construction and the characteristics necessary for its utilization in magnetic separation of ores. This work presents a complete calculation program for the 12T (Nb3Sn + NbTi) superconducting magnet. However, its construction and test will be the object of a Ph.D. thesis, by virtue of its complexity


magnetos supercondutores

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