Dimensionamento de sistemas de video interativo




Video-on-demand (VoD) is a service that enables the exhibition offilms for geographically dispersed users. It engenders several application areas such as on-demand movies, digital libraries and distance learning. A video on-demand system which allow VCR operations (true video-on- demand) should grant users request to perform VCR operations at any time. To reduce the huge bandwidth dernand of VoD, techniques based on multicast have been considered for the deployment of such services in large scale. When a user perforrns a VCR operation, hisjher exhibition unsychronizes with the exhibtion of hisjher multicast group. Therefore, another video channel is needed to support the unsynchronized stream. This thesis introduces a novel dirnensioning technique for channel allocation in interactive VoD systems in order to provide the desired Quality-of-Service. Techniques for VoD systems with batching and for VoD systerns with both batching and piggybacking are presented


multimidia interativa transmissão de imagem sistemas de computação interativos sistemas multimidia gravações de video

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