Dimensões culturais das empresas madeireiras da região de Curitibanos




The organizational culture has been theme of several academic studies since the 1980 years. But few brazilian studies looking for similarities and differences in cultural aspects between a specific sector companies. This research, realized with companies of wood sector of Curitibanos area, looked for cultural aspects related with, a future emphasis or the present emphasis, and of personal or impersonal emphasis, in perception of leaders of this companies. It is a quantitative research, descriptive, and exploratory, realized under form of a survey of transversal cut, with instruments gave in the companies and answered with 67 (sixty seven) business learders. The tabulation and analysis of informations had make with de Sphinx Léxica software, working with statistics tests, like Fischer test, and Student test, to verify the dependencies and statistic significances between research variables. The results appointing a business sector with a organizational culture relatively homogeny, with staunch aspects of emphasis in present, and of personal emphasis. Between research variables, the culture displayed statistic signifier relation with the market of actuation of companies. The results appointing also a relative independence of organizational culture in relation to others research variables, admitting to say that the organizational culture depend more of the regional culture that products and sales of the companies, as like of age, school level, sex, time in company, salary and office of the research leaders.


análise organizacional organizational culture lumber industry cultura organizacional indústria madeireira organizational analysis cultura organizacional; análise organizacional;indústria madeireira - santa catarina organizacao industrial e estudos industriais

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