Dimorfismo sexual secundario em escolares de diferentes niveis socio-economicos de um grande centro urbano do Brasil




Objective- Evaluate the differences between anthropometric measurement and body composition of boys and girls with ages 7 to 10-years, in private and public schools located on poor neighborhoods in the city of Campinas, Brazil. Methods- Measurement of weight, height, body mass index, arm circumference, arm fat area, arm muscle area were taken, and body composition was estimated based on anthropometric methods (Slaughter equation), and on bioimpedance analysis. The grade of secondary sexual dimorphism was obtained in Pucciarelli?s equation, which allows estimating the degree of difference between many variables in relation to sex. Results- Were observed no significant differences between weight, height or body mass index in relation to sex, but children of private schools were significantly higher and heavier with seven and ten years old. The BMI showed difference between schools in the ages of seven and ten years, with children of private schools means near the 85th percentile of CDC?s curve, which suggests an overweight situation. The lean body mass of boys was bigger than female?s by 7, 9 and 10 years old children. Skinfold showed no conclusive differences between males and females. Sexual dimorphism showed that boy?s weight, BMI and fat mass were very close to girl?s, with reduction of dimorphism?s grade. Conclusion- The increase of boy?s body fat reduced the dimorphic differences observed on previous papers. Campinas students had suffered less nutricional stress than in the past, based on height and lean body mass similarities of two socioeconomic levels


body composition sexual dimorphism bem-estar da criança child welfare crescimento impedancia (eletricidade) electric impedance composição corporal dimorfismo sexual growth antropometria

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