Dinâmica das relações familiares: compreendendo o convívio com familiar dependente de cuidados físicos / Dynamics of Family Relations: understanding the experience of living with a relative depending on physical care




The dynamics of family relations is presented as an important element to be investigated, considering the perspective of wholeness in family care. We work from the premise that, in view of a situation of illness, daily life and family relations are altered, unleashing processes of unstructuring and structuring in search of a balance, even if conflicting, to provide support this new life condition. The study object for this research is delimited by family relations, with the objective of understanding central elements that take part or are present in this dynamic when, unexpectedly, the family has to deal with an adult family member who has become dependent on physical care. We selected the theoretical-methodological framework of Michel Maffesoli, related to the sociology of daily life. In this approach, life is seen as a subtle and complex network of little and obscure daily facts, concretized by a set of social relations, among which family relations stand out. The notion of living together carries the idea of experiencing emotions, sharing environments, agreeing and disagreeing with values together, living-with-the-other a harmony that integrates disharmony. We adopted the methodological perspective of formism, referenced by Maffesoli, to whom form is a methodological lever that allows to model social data, to the extent that it describes its outlines in order to weave an objective and subjective structure that promotes a global understanding of the study phenomenon. Data were collected in the families? homes. The researcher used individual open interviews, semi structured interviews and focus groups with family group members. Data were organized in the form of genograms, which present the bonds between different relatives, and discourse was cut according to categories and subcategories, which revealed the presence of joint family life in its dimensions of alterity and complementariness; the sense of limit of the family group points towards the tragic experience and the manifestations of theatricalization; group resistance mechanisms indicated astuteness, the game of representation and silence manifested strength and power to live and, finally, group solidarity shows the mechanic and organic aspects of family sociality. The understanding of the dynamics of family relations in joint life with the person who depends on physical care provides nurses with the perspective of actions located at a primary level from the prospects of contemplation and co-responsible action, as it is inserted in a space-time that is domestic and family-related, in which a tragic event is experienced, with possibilities to destructure and restructure family relations. In the scope of public health policies, this study contributes in particular with the strategy of the Family Health program, in that it returns care to its setting through subjectivity, emphasizing that the imaginary and symbolic are fundamental elements to the implementation of this important policy, which guide a care network. The practice of family nursing care takes place in a unique physical and social setting, thus heterogeneous, fluid, conflicting, of construction and deconstruction of family relations, which requires care technologies based on the principles of sensibility and conjunction derived from the ethic of esthetic.


família relações familiares family family relations daily life enfermagem nursing processo saúde-doença cotidiano health-disease process

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