Diplomáticos, periodistas, espías y publicistas: la cruzada mexicana-bolchevique en América Latina


História (São Paulo)




In the mid-20s important sectors within President John Calvin Coolidge's administration as well as American public opinion were convinced that Mexico had found itself governed by a group of communists. This idea arose due to an unsolved conflict, which the Mexican revolutionaries had had with the government and American businessmen since the preparation of the 1917Constitution. This was added to a series of actions of President Calles challenging sectors within Mexican society as well as the powerful interests of the Americans. In this text strategies and characters are studied that contributed to the evolution of the idea of a soviet Mexico, paying particular attention not only to the work developed by spies at the service of the American government, but also to the work of the intellectuals that under the Callista protection took on a complete and comprehensive job of spreading anticlerical and anti-imperialist propaganda.

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