Direito à educação: o real, o possível e o necessário: a doutrina da proteção integral / The right to education: the real, the possible, and the necessary: the rule of wholly protection




Beyond the rights belong to child and teenagers for constitucional command, find the right for education. For all of the rules of fundamental right, the education becomes the shelter for participation on social life, in the same way that is the resource for obtaining the development of citizenship. Protect and promote the education is an obligation for all people. Because of this, the present work looked for a different manner to comphreend the child and teenagers rights, focused on the rights of education. For the better development of the present study, the work was shared in five chapters which resume the responsability of Laws professional, in relationship to child and teenagers rights at schools environment. Thus, showing the importance in improving the provide help to the rights of Childhood and Juvenile, through out actions of the various societys segments, can guarantee, with precision, the plentiful rights with an absolute and wholly prime


direito child direito a educação wholly protection education rights adolescente educacao e estado -- brasil educacao -- leis e legislacao -- brasil proteção integral teenagers direito a educacao -- brasil criança

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