Discurso modernista e identidade cultural brasileira




The present study examines how the Brazilian cultural identity is discursively (re)constructed on the Manifesto da Poesia Pau-Brasil by Oswald de Andrade (1924). Based on this Manifest, the research 1) Thinks over how the Brazilian cultural identity had been conceived up to the Modernism in Brazil; 2) Investigates the linguistic, structural and discursive elements that indicate the rupture to the European models and the installation of a new Brazilian identity proposal on Pau-Brasil; 3) Demonstrates how the modernist discourse (re)constructs a Brazilian cultural identity on the Manifest. In order to accomplish these specific objectives, concepts from discursive and pragmatic approaches have been researched, such as the works of Bakhtin (2000), Chouliaraki and Fairclough (1999), Mey (2001), Fairclough (2001), Foucault (2002), Maingueneau (2000), Orlandi (1987, 1988, 2001, 2003), Pêcheux (1997), Possenti (2002) and Thompson (1995). In relation to the matter of identities, the works of Bhabha (1986, 1990), Dealtry (2002), Giddens (1991, 2002), Hall (2004), Silva (2004) and Santos (1994) were researched. Concerning about the linguistic evidences of the modernist discourse, the study reveals that Pau-Brasil, as a text, is marked by structural ruptures (verbs and subject omission, as well as the prominence of the few verbs not omitted, mainly those that indicate quality or existence). Due to its structure, the nouns and adjectives become outstanding and, to catch the readers attention, the period ( . ) is widely used, which corroborates to establish a new syntax. In reference to discursive interaction, structure and content colligate and (re)construct the Brazilian cultural identity, on the Manifest, through the rupture to the past, moving forward to the new, to the fabrication, to unexpected relations and, above all, moving forward to the programmatic renewal of the national culture


linguistica discourse manifesto da poesia pau-brasil manifesto da poesia pau-brasil discurso cultural identity, brazilianess brasilidade identidade cultural

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