Disenteria de inverno: detecção de coronavírus bovino (BCoV) por reação de PCR dirigida ao gene Rp Rd e isolamento em cultivo celular de HRT-18G / Winter dysentery: detection of bovine coronavirus (BCoV) by RT-PCR for the Rp Rd gene and isolation in monolayers of HRT-18G cells




Bovine coronavirus (BCoV), a member of Coronaviridae family, causes severe diarrhea in newborn calves and has been associated with outbreaks of winter dysentery (WD) in adult cattle in several countries, including Brazil. The morbidity rate of WD is very high (50-100%) and the disease causes severe economic losses once it decreases milk production. The aim of the present study was to survey for the occurrence of BCoV in cows using a RT-PCR targeted to the replicase gene and to isolate positive samples in HRT-18G cells. The fecal samples were obtained from 43 adult dairy cows with dysentery from São Paulo and Minas Gerais States, Brazil. Ten (23%) of the 43 fecal samples were positive for BCoV and 7 of these were inoculated in HRT-18G cells, when the isolation of 4 samples was proved by RT-PCR after sex passages. These findings indicate that BCoV is also involved in outbreaks of dysentery in adult cattle in Brazil. This shows the importance of more comprehensive studies on coronavirus in dairy cattle in the surveyed area and, with the isolation of the virus strains studied herein, one may contribute to other studies to enlighten the epidemiology and prevention of the disease.


isolamento winter dysentery coronavirose coronavirus isolation disenteria de inverno pcr pcr

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