Disk Test for the Differentiation of Pneumococci from Other Alpha-Hemolytic Streptococci


One hundred twenty-five strains of Diplococcus pneumoniae and one hundred twenty-five strains of other alpha-hemolytic streptococci were planted on horse red cell-Brucella agar, and a disk of methicillin was placed on each inoculated plate. All strains were incubated anaerobically at 37 C for 24 h and then exposed to air at 6 C for 48 h. All strains of pneumococci produced a ring of beta-hemolysis surrounding the zone of inhibition produced with the methicillin disk, whereas no strain of alpha-hemolytic streptococci produced beta-hemolysis. It is suggested that this new criterion is useful for the differentiation of pneumococci from other alpha-hemolytic streptococci in those cases where other characteristics were insufficient for an unequivocal identification.

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