Disponibilidade da radiação fotossinteticamente ativa ao longo de colunas de cultivo vertical de morangueiros em função do espaçamento e superficie refletora / Availability of Photosynthetically active radiation alone the columns of vertical strawberry growth in function of spacing and reflective surface




The objective of this research was to increase the offer of Photosyntetically Active Radiation(PAR) trough vertical bags for strawberry production. To aim this objective two strategies were adopted the increase of distance among columns of the vertical bags and the use of reflective surfaces over the floor of the greenhouses under the bags. The distances used were 1.20m, 1.50m, and 1.80m among the bags lines. The reflective surfaces have the following colors: white, silver, and soil. These surfaces were made of plastic films, which recover the base with 1.10m of length and 0.25m of height at the center, and over them were installed the columns. The results of these strategies were measured trough Photosyntetically Active Radiation, and Direct Global radiation and reflective incident radiation at three heights of the columns. Height-3 (A3) at 2.0m top of the column, as reference point and highest direct PAR; A2 at 1.0m in the middle point of the column, and A1 at 0.35m point of lowest high of the plants. The productivity, chemical characteristics of the fruits (soluble solids content-oBrix), total titratable acidity, and pH), leaf sugar accumulation, and the photosynthesis pigments of the leaves were the biological variables evaluated. The reflected PAR at metalized surface was superior of the white surface, and this one was superior of soil surface in all reference heights. The metalized A1 treatment had more reflected PAR than A2 treatment, which was better than A3 treatment in all distances under the metalized surface. The sum of reflected PAR and direct radiation was bigger at metalized treatment, followed by the white one, and for last the soil treatment. The productivity and soluble solids (oBrix) of the fruits were superior for the metalized treatment as compared to the white surface treatment, which was superior of the soil treatment


radiação - efeito fisiológico photosintetically active radiation vertical growth substratos substrates estufa (plantas) plantas - efeito da radiação solar strawberries protection growth morango - cultivo

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