Disponibilidade de carotenoides em relação a energia e proteinas nos domicilios de familias das regiões metropolitanas brasileiras




This work analyzed the availability of the carotenoids to the consumers of eleven major Brazilian urban centers -nine metropolitan regions and two cities, especially with regard to energy and protein availabilitybased on the data gathered by the POF (Household Budget Survey) 1995-1996. The USDA database - release 14 was used to determine composition of energy, protein and carotenoids (when the carotenoids content was not found in Brazilian bases). The availability of carotenoids, energy and protein was observed to increase as the leveI of income also increased in all the studied regions, but the carotenoid availability did not follow an exact direct relationship with energy and protein in some regions. The prudent daily intake of 3 to 6mg ofbeta-carotene, pro-vitarninsA (from 5.2 to 6mg) and total carotenoids (from 9 to 18mg) could not be attained in any of the studied regions. The availability of energy varied between 1007to 2060 kcal, Goiâniabeing the city with the lowest availability, followed by São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Porto Alegre, Salvador, Recife, Fortaleza, Belém, Brasília and Curitiba. Protein availability varied from 25.2g in Goiânia (income of up to 2 ) and 100.4g in Salvador (income of over 30 Reference Salaries ). The principal foods identified which significantly contributed to the supply of carotenoids were: carrots, pumpkins, mangoes and tomatoes (beta-carotene sources), pumpkins and carrots (alpha-carotene), oranges and papaya (beta-cryptoxanthin), tomatoes, tomato sauce, watermelons and papayas (lycopene), com fiour, kale, lettuce and oranges (lutein and zeaxanthin)


alimentos - consumo orçamento familiar - pesquisa carotenoides

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