Distribuição de hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos em solos na região da serra catarinense o comparação entre metodologias de extração e avaliação do impacto ambiental




The purpose of this work went to compare the efficiency of extraction of PHA in soil, applying the methodologies of the ultrasound, soxhlet and shaking besides to verify the distribution, occurrence and the amounts of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PHA) in superficial layers of the soil near to an industry of biomass in the city of Lages, mountain region of the Santa Catarina State. In the first stage of our work, we compare three different methods of extraction of PAH (ultrasound, shaking and soxhlet). The realization of the experiments wrapped the recuperation of d-10 fluoranthene added to a sample of soil. The extractions were carried out in triplicate. The second stage of this work consisted of the application of the method of extraction with the ultrasound to verify the amounts of PAH in samples of soil collected in the mountain region. Of the results obtained in the first stage, we detach the method of extraction for ultrasound that in spite of supplying the least recuperation of the contaminant between the studied methods is superior to a soxhlet and the shaking what concerns recuperation of some PAH, consumption of less solvent and a time of extraction also. In the second stage, the obtained results allowed us to end that there was an environmental impact in the area in study with the increase of the concentrations of PAH of toxic nature after the introduction of the industry of biomass. HPA was found like the naphthalene, the phenanthrene and the pyrene in high concentrations originating from activities anthropogenic wrapping the burning of petrogenic and pyrolytic fuels and what have toxic effect, with characteristics carcinogenic and mutagenic. It is of extreme importance the development of methods of opening and analysis of samples as well as to verify the amounts of organic micropollutants in the environmental compartments


hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons quimica hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos

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