Distribution, income rate, chemical composition and identification of plastic pellets emissions at Santos Bay, SP, Brazil / Distribuição, taxa de entrada, composição química e identificação de fontes de grânulos plásticos na Enseada de Santos, SP, Brasil




Among the various pollutants that threaten the ocean are plastic pellets, prime resource in the form of 5mm granules that are being dumped in the environment during production, utilization and transport stages. This project aims to understand of the contamination of the beaches of the Santos Bay, coast of the state of São Paulo, as a pilot area to address the patterns of distribution and identify the chemical composition and rate of entry of pellets. The pellets were found even at 2m depths, but were concentrated at the upper level of sediment (with approximately 1100 pellets per 0.1m³ on the top) and in the back-shore region (136 pellets/0.018m³ at the higher level). The distribution along the beach showed that the pellets were concentrated in the areas closer to the Santos estuarine Channel, with an average rate of 82 pellets/0.036m³, and reaching a maximum density of 139/0.036m³, a fact directly related to the circulation of the bay and channel currents. The rate of entry did not show a pattern along the bay and periods of the year, but the greatest number of pellets were found during the winter after a storm (377/m²). Almost 80% were polipropilene and about 20% poliethylene. The average size was circa 2.5 to 3.0mm in length and 3.5 to 4.0mm in diameter and almost 70% were clear colored or yellowish. The greatest part of the analyzed pellets appeared relatively preserved. The probable sources of emission (harbor and industries) are located in the estuarine region.


pellets pellets pollutants resíduos sólidos santos composição santos poluentes distribuição composition distribution emissão. emission. solid wastes

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