Distribution of H1 histone in chromatin digested by micrococcal nuclease.


The relative amount of H1 histone associated with isolated nucleosomes from calf thymus was determined as a function of the extent of DNA digestion by micrococcal nuclease. Generally the amount of H1 histone associated with mononucleosomes decreases with increasing digestion until 60% of the original H1 remains associated with DNA 150 base pirs or less in size. Coincidentally, H1 histone increases relative to the other histones in aggregated material that sediments through sucrose gradients to form a pellet. However, the level of H1 histone remains at control values for oligonucleosomes (dimer to hexamer) over the 30% digestion range studied. An increase in ionic strength to 0.3 M NaCl in the density gradient reveals a different pattern of H1 binding, whereby the amount of H1 reflects the average size of the DNA fragments with which it is associated. Although there is significant binding to nucleosomes per se, it appears that the major ionic involvement of H1 is with internucleosomal spacer DNA.

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