Distribution of root system and soil fertility of pastures in sloping areas of Itaperuna, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil / Distribuição do sistema radicular e fertilidade do solo em pastagens de áreas de relevo declivoso em Itaperuna, RJ.




The present study was developed in a region of undulating landscape in Itaperuna municipality, at the Northwest region of Rio de Janeiro State. The studies were carried through in Pau Ferro farm, where the experimental area Upepade N 5, of project RADEMA, was located. The objectives of the study were: to evaluate distribution of soil nutrients, with depth, in an area of pasture; and to evaluate the performance of fodder species, through their biomass growth, with emphasis on temporal and soil depth distribution of dry root mass. At the beginning of the experiment (2001), the pasture was formed exclusively by Braquiaria grass (Brachiaria brizanta), without receiving adequate fertilization. The experiment site was set in a Yellow Red Ultisol, on a strong undulating slope. The site was divided into 3 modules or plots, with 3 parcels, of about 2 ha each. In each parcel a grass species was introduced, as following: in the first parcel Braquiária (Brachiaria brizanta), in the second Tifton 85 (Cynodon spp.), and in the third Suazi (Digitaria swazilandensis). A total of 9 sample periods were carried out between April 2002 and May 2006. Soil and root material samples were taken in soil pits, for each sampling period and parcels, using metallic monoliths, in layers of 0.1 m up to 0.7 m depth, with two repetitions R1 and R2. The aerial parts of plants were also sampled. The soil fertility parameters, analyzed up to 0.7 m depth, showed similar results for all the areas. This indicates that the soil degradation process was held as a result of the right management of animals and fertilization practices adopted in the experimental area. The vegetal growth results indicated that the species studied had similar root growth and aerial part, not differing statistically. However, the reduction in production of aerial part biomass, with time, may indicate the beginning of a degradation process of the pastures. So, more studies are recommended on the pastures animal ratio capacity and management to define the best use for the soil potential and slope condition of the area.


sistema radicular agronomia fodder plants. áreas degradadas forragens degraded areas root systems

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