Dizeres do olhar : narrativas de identidade no deserto das almas


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The homoafectivity is present in the brazilian literature since the end of the XIX century. Nevertheless, was only during the last century that the affective and sexual attraction between same sex people acquired the status of expression of the ethos of na important identitarian group, being the result of socio-cultural modifications that conformed the identities of millions of subjects. The emmergence of an affirmative movement of homoafective sexual identity was acompanied by the proliferation of homosubject characters in the literary field, in novels that significantly marked the debates about the love and freedom. From the presence of homossexual acts as the indexes of degradation of the navy saturated with ex-slaves in Bom Crioulo, through the denounce of the abuses of pupils to young intern students in O Ateneu, and the exposition of the troubles of the people who lived in degenerated homes called cabeças de porco in O Cortiço, a long way was coverde till the conquest of a visible tolerance of homosubjects in the brazilian literature. Having dominated numerically the scenery of homoafective ficcion during most of the last century, the gender short-story saw the emmergence of afirmative novels that surpased the limits of the limited appropriation of the suject as a simple metaphor of the degeneration in moralist speeches. We approach in this work one relevant aspect of the new production of novels with homoafective theme, the re-ordaining sight of the speeches that constitutes the foundation of the narratives of contemporary homoauthors, which fight the unfavourable locus which is normally reserved to homosubject characters. Three novels were selected to approach the problematization of the speech act, which with freqëncy puts in doubt the representational character which is the tradicional mark of the literary text. The cited novels are: Stella Manhattan; Wathever happened to Dulce Veiga? and Berkeley in Bellagio.


ficção brasileira - história e crítica homossexualidade e literatura homoafetividade brazilian fiction history and criticism homosexuality and literature

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