DNA associated with nucleosomes in plants.


50 to 55% of tobacco and barley nuclear DNA is accessible to micrococcal endonuclease digestion. The DNA fragments resulting from a mild endonuclease treatment are multiples of a basic unit of 194 +/- 6 base pairs in tobacco and 195 +/- 6 base pairs in barley. After extensive digestion, a DNA fragment of approximately 140 base pairs is predominant. Hence the "extra-core" or "linker"-DNA is 55 base pairs long. Other fragments having 158 and less than 140 base pairs are present as well. Treatment with DNase I results in multiples of 10 bases when analysed under denaturating conditions. These results show that the general organization of the DNA within the nucleosomes is about the same in higher plants as in other higher eukaryotes.

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