DNA Sequences of Frameshift and Other Mutations Induced by Icr-170 in Yeast


ICR-170-induced mutations in the CYC1 gene of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae were investigated by genetic and DNA sequence analyses. Genetic analysis of 33 cyc1 mutations induced by ICR-170 and sequence analysis of eight representatives demonstrated that over one-third were frameshift mutations that occurred at one site corresponding to amino acid positions 29–30, whereas the remaining mutations were distributed more-or-less randomly, and a few of these were not frameshift mutations. The sequence results indicate that ICR-170 primarily induces G·C additions at sites containing monotonous runs of three G·C base pairs. However, some (see PDF) sites within the CYC1 gene were not mutated by ICR-170. Thus, ICR-170 is a relatively specific mutagen that preferentially acts on certain sites with monotonous runs of G·C base pairs.

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