Do Rio a Maricá: estratégia e experiência do êxodo urbano no Estado do Rio de Janeiro




This study analyses the urban exodus phenomenon from the city of Rio de Janeiros migrants to the municipal district of Maricá. We intend to verify, through the migration experience of a family, in what way they manage a lifes strategy and how this movement (re)constructs concepts and categories about the main current discussions, as lifes quality, violence, progress and territorial development. Thus, we pursue the selected experience of one family from Rio de Janeiro, middle class, which moved to Maricá, carrying their own impressions and expectations. The results show, in spite of could not legitimate social and statistically a collective movement of urban exodus, a particular collection of meanings for the research field about internal migrations, specifically in Rio de Janeiro State. Since the official data and other sources, a series of suspicious pointed to the last decades, of political and economical opening in Brazil, the rural exodus may be reverted its direction, going beyond a simple stagnation. This is an important information for the academic reflection about the rural aspects and for the proposal work of public politics, especially when the Rio de Janeiro States defuse raised as a relevant issue. Primarily, we contextualize the municipal district of Maricá in Rio de Janeiro State, its specifications, its history and perspectives. In the second chapter, we enter the urban phenomenon, to frame the subject in the urban x rural controversy. In the third, we analyse the symbolic meaning that involves the construction of modern myths around the urbanity and how several territorial identities are produced. In the fourth chapter, we explore the core of the question, analyzing and questioning the migration of the interviewed family as a strategic route of life and formation of a legitimized discourse.


enchantment. encantamento. sociologia strategy qualidade de vida estratégia êxodo urbano lifes quality urban exodus

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